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7 Reasons Nursery Growers Should Be Growing In Gutter Connected Poly Greenhouses

Many nursery growers grow and overwinter strictly in ground to ground hoop houses, but some progressive nursery growers over the last several years have been looking more and more to gutter connected poly greenhouses.  Here are 7 reasons you may want to consider a gutter connected greenhouse for your next nursery expansion.

Supplemental Lighting Considerations for a Commercial Greenhouse

Maximizing lighting efficiency is a major concern for many growers who rely on supplemental lighting in their greenhouse. Here are some criteria to take into account when choosing and maintaining your lamps. The lighting you choose depends on many things like what developmental stage your plants will be grown to, whether the plants receive light from other radiation sources, and the photoperiod length per day for your plant.

Planning Considerations Before A Greenhouse Expansion

If you could go back and re-design your existing greenhouse, how many changes would you make? How many of those changes would be minor ones and how many would involve major structural, heating or other mechanical changes? Avoiding this in your future expansion is easy; have a checklist of things you should have in your greenhouse now and incorporate them into the next build.

Hydroponic How-To: Growing Outside Your Comfort Zone

Growing hydroponically in a greenhouse is not a recent innovation but for some growers it represents a change from the comfort of growing in soil. If one was to poll greenhouse vegetable and flower growers you would find that the majority in fact are growing hydroponically, and those who are growing in soil are hesitant to change from what they are confident in. 

Duane Van Alstine: How I Came to the Horticultural Field

Many years ago I was in the retail business managing a staff of 30 plus people.  The grocery chain that I worked for had just been bought by a larger company and things were drastically changing.  I had been considering a career change anyway and since I was still fairly young, I decided that it was time.  Not knowing what direction I wanted my career to go I answered a newspaper ad for “Greenhouse Labourers”.  I thought it would be a nice change while I sorted out my next career move...


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